Policies and Procedures

A full list of our Policies and Procedures is available on request.


Behaviour Management

  • We believe that children flourish best when they know how they are expected to behave
  • We aim to provide an environment in which there is acceptable behaviour and where children learn to respect themselves, other people and their environment
  • We set clear and consistent rules and boundaries that are appropriate to the children’s ages and stages of development. When rules are set, children will be given reasons for them
  • If appropriate children will be included in decisions that affect them, such as making new rules to prevent negative situations from recurring
  • We follow a similar schedule each day to ensure a stable and familiar environment which we believe enables children to feel secure
  • We are firm, but fair in our management of behaviour and rules and boundaries apply to all children at all times to avoid confusion and resentment amongst the children
  • We support and work with parents to stop negative behaviour
  • We appreciate that children must learn concepts, language and concentration in order to control some aspects of their behaviour
  • We will help the children to understand their own rights and to challenge negative behaviour from other children



  • Children will never be disciplined for toilet training accidents
  • We never label children with negative words, only behaviour
  • We handle unacceptable behaviour in ways which are appropriate to the child’s age and stage of development including:
    • Distraction
    • Discussion - for example trying to see the other child’s point of view where a conflict has arisen
    • Withdrawing the child from the situation for a period of calm reflection
  • We never use any of the following forms of discipline:
    • Humiliation
    • Deprivation of food or drink
  • We avoid creating situations in which children receive adult attention only in return for undesirable behaviour. When children behave in unacceptable ways, we help them to understand the situation and how to cope more appropriately
  • Children will be disciplined according to their intentions and not the outcome of their behaviour
  • Members of staff will not raise their voices in the nursery unless to alert attention to a potential accident and only if there is no alternative course of action
  • In the event of extreme negative behaviour the incident will be recorded and the parent informed. If appropriate we will hold a meeting with the parent to try to ascertain the route of the problem and suggest ways in which we can work together to solve the problem
  • The nursery reserves the right to refuse a child immediately if their behaviour is a constant threat to other children or staff members in any way.
  • Examples of such behaviour are:
    • Physical abuse
    • Verbal abuse
    • Prejudices
    • Persistent damage to property
    • Persistent damage other children’s work


Encouraging Positive Behaviour

  • The children will be encouraged to:
    • Act in a polite and considerate manner at all times
    • Respect themselves and one another
    • Accept the authority of the adults in charge
    • Share and take turns
    • Show kindness to all children especially those younger than themselves
  • They will be rewarded with adult attention and praise appropriate to the act
  • We operate a star chart system


Staff Role

  • Staff are made aware of both our Behaviour Management Policy and our Bullying Policy and are give our behaviour handbook to read prior to starting work at the nursery
  • The staff will model positive behaviour at all times as a moral framework for the children
  • Staff are kept up to date with legislation and research on handling children’s behaviour



We will not permit any form of bullying in the nursery


Bullying can be:

• Physical: pushing, kicking, hitting, biting etc. • Verbal: Name-calling, sarcasm, rumour spreading and teasing • Emotional: Excluding, ridicule, humiliation, tormenting • Racist: taunts, graffiti and gestures • E-bullying, via texts and social media sites


Being bullied can result in the victim having depression, low self-esteem, shyness, poor academic achievement, isolation and in extreme cases threatened or attempted suicide.


If a bully is left unchecked they will learn they can get away with violence and aggression. A bully has a higher chance of acquiring a criminal record and not being able to have good relationships when they become an adult.

If I have any concerns that a child in my care is being bullied in the nursery or is bullying, I will discuss the matter with you immediately. I will work with you to support your child to resolve the problem.


If your child is being bullied:

• I will reassure them that the bullying is not their fault • Tell them that I care about them and am 100% on their side • I will give them lots of praise, encouragement and responsibilities to help them feel valued • I will work with you to help the child to develop techniques to deal with the bully- assertiveness, walking away etc.


If your child is the bully:

• I will reassure your child that I still care about them but it is their behaviour I don’t like and I will work with them to help change this • I will work with your child to find ways to make amends for their actions • I will develop a reward structure for good behaviour.


• I will discuss the matter with you, not in front of your child, to see if there are any problems that may have triggered the bullying.


If you have any concerns regarding your child please discuss them with me as soon as possible. It is much better to deal with these problems before they become major issue


Physical Punishments

  • No member of staff will use or threaten a child with any form of physical punishment in the nursery
  • All staff are made aware of this policy and the difference between physical punishment and physical intervention


Physical Interventions

·Physical intervention will only ever be used to prevent a child from harming himself, another child or member of staff or from damaging property

  • In addition physical intervention will only be used if there is no alternative
  • Physical intervention will only ever be used with minimum force and for a minimum amount of time
  • If physical intervention is used it will be recorded in the Confidential Incidents Record and the parent informed at the earliest opportunity


Biting Policy

If a child is bitten that they are comforted and given lots of attention. Any first aid is applied correctly if required and the incident will be recorded and parents asked to sign.


If your child bites then we will remove them from the situation and explain to them, according to their age and understanding that biting is unacceptable behaviour.


If necessary we will exclude the child from an activity and use ‘time out’ until they are calm enough to return.  We will encourage the child to apologise to the child they have bitten and work with them to develop strategies to help them deal with the reasons.


Complaints Procedure

We believe that parents and carers have the right to voice any worries or anxieties about the running of the nursery. Any such concerns will be taken seriously and dealt with promptly.


If this course of action does not achieve the desired result we operate the following complaints procedure:


Step 1) Voice the concern to the Nursery Owner or Manager.


Step 2) Put the concern in writing to the Nursery Owner or Manager. A formal meeting will be arranged (out of nursery hours) involving the parent, the Nursery Owner and the Nursery Manager.


Step 3) A meeting is arranged involving the parent, the Nursery Owner, the Nursery Manager and an external mediator (acceptable to both parties), such as a representative from the local Early Years team. This person will listen to the concern and offer advice to resolve the situation.


A parent may approach the local Childcare Services or Ofsted at any time if they feel it is necessary. Parents can contact Ofsted at the following address:



The Royal Exchange Buildings

St Anns Square


M2 7LA


Or use the Ofsted Complaints Line on: 03001231231


  • All complaints will be dealt with promptly and investigated thoroughly
  • When a complaint is made we will fill in a complaints form. If the complaint is made in the Compliments, Comments and Complaints Book the relevant page(s) will be removed and attached to the form
  • A review of the complaint will be given to the parent within 28 days of the complaint being logged
  • The complaints form is copied and distributed in the following way:
    • A copy remains in the nursery files
    • A copy is given to the parent concerned
    • A copy is given to any professional involved in the case


Safeguarding Children

Roles of Staff

  • The protection of the children in our care is of paramount importance and is our first priority, therefore as required by law, the staff may record any concerns about a child’s welfare and liaise with social services or the police over future action
  • No child will ever be left alone with anyone who has not had a full DBS check.
  • All concerns and investigations are completely confidential and are shared only with those who need to know
  • All staff are responsible for the protection of children and our Safeguarding policy and procedures are a part of the compulsory staff induction training
  • Emma Murphy is the designated safeguarding staff member and will attend a Local Authority approved Safeguarding Children Course every 3 years and cascade information to other staff members. Where possible, other members of staff will also attend Safeguarding courses.
  • Staff will keep up-to-date with current legislation and theories, through links with the EYDCP and relevant articles in Nursery magazines
  • Staff will refer children to the Local Safeguarding Children Board where appropriate
  • Staff will liaise with the Local Safeguarding Children Board and other professionals concerning current Safeguarding cases
  • Staff thought to be under the influence of drugs or alcohol will be sent home immediately


Notifying Parents

  • The Safeguarding Policy is included in the nursery prospectus and in the full list of policies and procedures that is available to parents on request
  • Usually parents will be the first point of contact and will be spoken to alone. The parent may be taken into another room away from the nursery or asked to arrange an appointment, either way the staff will not voice concerns in hearing distance of any other adult or child
  • In all Safeguarding issues we will do everything in our power to support and work with the child’s family
  • The staff may ask for advice from a professional before contacting the child’s parents. In such cases staff will not relay the names of the child, family members or anyone else believed to be involved
  • In extreme cases where the parent is believed to be the likely abuser and where the child is put at risk by the parent being contacted, staff may contact social services without the parent’s prior knowledge. Parents are made aware of this through our Safeguarding Policy
  • All concerns and investigations are completely confidential and are shared only with those who need to know


Allegations against Staff Members

  • Any allegations made against staff members will be taken very seriously
  • In the case of an allegation against a member of staff:
    • The staff member will not be left alone with children until the allegations have been investigated thoroughly by the appropriate professional
    • In extreme cases their employment may be suspended with immediate effect
    • The nursery manager will immediately seek advice on the situation from the Duty Officer at the LSCB.
    • Ofsted will be informed immediately (within 14 days)
  • All allegations made against staff are kept confidential and are shared only with those who need to know
  • Allegations against staff members are also recorded in the Confidential Incidents Record


Procedures to follow when staff are concerned about the welfare of a child

1.Staff should voice their concern to the nursery manager and if appropriate an entry should be made in the Confidential Incidents Book

  1. The manager may contact another professional for advice

3.The child and/or parent is casually observed by both staff members

NB Names will not be used unless the parent has been informed

  1. If there is still a concern at this stage the nursery manager will do one of the following, depending on the individual circumstances and nature of the suspicion:
    • Inform the child’s parents of the concern and discuss it with them
    • Contact the Duty Officer at Social Services
  2. Ofsted will be informed immediately if the matter is taken further by Social



When a child makes a disclosure

  • The staff member should stay calm
  • Listen carefully and do not attempt to interrupt
  • Don’t look shocked or repulsed
  • Don’t make jokes or change the subject
  • Don’t make disbelieving comments such as: ‘He wouldn’t do that’ or ‘I’m sure she didn’t mean it’
  • Don’t ask investigative questions
  • Offer reassurance that they have done the right thing in telling you
  • Don’t promise not to tell anyone
  • Reflect back on what they have told you to make it clear
  • Ask them what they want to happen for the future
  • Make a record in the Confidential Incident Record following the nursery procedure


Confidential Incidents Record

Entries in the Confidential Incidents Book should be:

·Made and signed by the staff member who witnessed the incident

·Made as soon as possible after the incident occurs – within 24 hours maximum

·As detailed as possible


·Without abbreviation

  • As accurate as possible
  • Without correction fluid – any crossings out should be signed by the person making the entry


Confidentiality Policy

We respect the privacy of children and their parents and carers.


Whilst parents have unlimited access to their child’s files, all other files remain confidential and are kept in a secure lockable file.


Any concerns and evidence relating to a child’s personal safety are confidential and are shared with as few people as possible. However, in this case we may have to break confidentiality if it is in the best interest of the child’s welfare. In this case a record of details will be taken.


Late Collection Policy

We appreciate that parents may be late on the rare occasion due to factors beyond their control. If a parent or carer is late, the child will be looked after in the nursery or in the attached home by a member of staff who is known to the child and who has had a full check by the Criminal Records Bureau.


The Nursery should be contacted as soon as the parent knows that they will be late in order to prevent the child from undue distress.


Non-collection Policy

In the event that a child is not collected by an authorised adult at the end of the day, we ensure that the child is cared for safely and aim to cause as little distress as possible to the child. The child will be cared for, either in the nursery or in the attached home by a member of staff who is known to the child and has had a full check by the Criminal Records Bureau.


Parents should contact the nursery as soon as possible if there is a problem which prevents them from collecting their child.


All reasonable attempts will be made to contact the parents and other authorised adults. If no contact has been made after 1 hour the local Early Years Officer will be contacted and control of the situation will pass to them.







Est 2004

Telephone: 07876 800537





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Briar Cottage Day Nursery

Cannon Lane





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